Pin It Now! * Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6
* Better a little with the fear of the LORD than great wealth with turmoil. Proverbs 15:16
* A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. Proverbs 28:25
* A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:30

Let's tackle the trace of envy in our lives today. Even among God's children envy could easily creep in spoiling the peace of mind and giving ways to rotten bones.

Let us be happy and contended with the ways God has led us thus far. Let us praise God for His many blessings in our lives all along. Let us not let ourselves be overwhelmed by envy or jealousy over anyone.

Clarke's commentary on the Bible states:
It requires but little of this world's goods to satisfy a man who feels himself to be a citizen of another country, and knows that this is not his rest.
At the end of the day all that matters is contentment - without which we will be gaining nothing. As we worship today, let us pray especially to get rid of envy or even the very trace from our hearts and more importantly let us ask for contentment. Amen!
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